Hi all,
Alan Morris recently noted that a male Ruff in full breeding plumage was
reported at Stockton sandspit on 10/10. This raises an interesting
question, which needs some analysis. The NSW bird coincided with a Ruff
(or was it a Reeve) seen at the Western Treatment Plant in Victoria. The
Victorian bird showed no signs of breeding plumage, being a fairly
standard greyish brown bird, with legs a fairly dull brownish pink.
Recently I raised the following question with a group of birders (at our
monthly Birds
Australia Lecture in Melbourne): why do none of the Australian field
guides show Ruff with breeding plumage?
This question puzzled me, especially when you consider that a Ruff in
breeding plumage is spectacular, representing one of the world?s most
intriguing birds. Quite apart from being an important diagnostic
feature, it also seems the perfect topic for a field guide artist to
have some fun! For example see the following photograph of a Ruff (and
compare it with the one in your field guide):
The general consensus as to why they are not in the field guides was
that Ruff with breeding plumage would NEVER been seen in Australia! For
one thing the plumage would hinder their migration.
So..... what is the story with the NSW bird! Can Ruff migrate with
(full) breeding plumage? Has this been recorded before? And is this the
opportunity that Australian field guide artists have been waiting for!
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