Hi Ian
You wrote on 21September this year:
"don?t you hate it when you can't get quite a good enough view ?
heard then saw a neophema like
parrot on the dunes at rye back beach this arvo ,
while building sand castles with my two year old daughter , no
bins with me and couldn?t get a second look try as
I mite, maybe some one else will be luckier than me"
I don't think I was much luckier today!!!!
I was walking with a group along the track through the Mornington Peninsula
National Park, Sorrento, Vic - not far from where you saw the neophema like
parrot at Rye back beach. A parrot flew across the track some
distance in front of me then landed on the edge of St Pauls Road carpark.
However as it was raining at the time the bins were in my back pack
and after fumbling around for what seemed an eternity managed to get
them out and get a very brief view of the bird.
Would like to say Orange-bellied however will have to
report Blue-winged Parrot.
Val Ford