Hi All
It was certainly spring in Dungog this morning
largely due to the fact that it was the first sunny, windless morning for nearly
two weeks !
First up a Boobook Owl must have called nearly all
night. For only the second time in 10 years here I awoke to a group of about
8 Yellow-faced Honeyeaters feeding in a Grevillea Superb outside our
bedroom window. They are common on our property in the taller Eucalypts away
from the house but rarely seen feeding in the garden. I decided to have a quick
look outside before breakfast in case something else was around.
Twenty six Top Knot Pigeons flew over ,also Little Corellas , both not seen
often at home. Pheasant Coucals were calling and a Koel. Then a new bird for our
property was sighted , a male White-winged Triller.
Added to the usual regulars of Galahs, Eastern Rosellas , King Parrots,
Magpies , Pied and Grey Butcherbirds and Kookaburras, it was a great start to
the day. Shame about having to go to work !
Dick Jenkin