Near Kalgoorlie years ago , I was surveying and
decided to move a large dead Red
Grabbing it by the tail and looking the other way
because of the smell, I started dragging
Then a metre or so long goanna ran up my arm from
deep within......I thought the roo had
somehow come
check first for surprises.!
Knowing Bill as some of us do, that could only
happen to him, in fact I'm surprised it wasn't a 3 metre Perentie, given the
area & Bill's luck!!
Seriously though, it's a practice that's been used
in Tasmania for some time to help prevent Tassie Devil road kills. Out west,
here in Queensland it would be particularly useful for young Wedge-tails which
gorge themselves so much sometimes as to find it difficult to fly off in a
hurry. Problem is, there is so much roadkill you wouldn't get any birding in,
particularly during a drought!
Cheers - Paul