I don't know Yvette or anything about captive Rails.
If you can advise Yvette, please contact her directly.
Andrew Taylor
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 22:27:13 +1100
From: Yvette Wilsdon <>
Subject: Banded Rail
To Andrew,
Until today i though I had been rearing a Swamphen. But i went to the
library today to check up on how well i was doing with its diet and found
that i infact have a Banded Rail. Could you send me some information on how
to care for it. We have named her Wisp and she is very adapted to our
family life. We are unsure as to whether to release her back into the wild
as she has no fear of humans.I think she is nearly fully grown because all
her feathers are out and her wings a developed and being used. Although she
still comes back for food even though i dont had feed her i just place on
the ground for her and we lock her in at night because of the cats around
the area.
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