Hello Birdos,
At Binya SF, (east of Griffith in Central NSW), the Painted Honeyeaters are
now well into breeding mode. I located 2 nests this morning, and must have
missed many more as there are still a lot of birds around. The Quandang
(mistletoe) in the Yarran (Acacia homophylla) is now full of ripe fruit and
they and the Mistletoebirds are pigging out on it.
Sewage Works
Nearby to Binya at the Yenda Sewage Works, there is currently a gathering
of about 60 Black-tailed Native-hens and Grey Teals with ducklings. I
scanned the Griffith Sewage Works this morning and amongst the thousands
upon thousands of ducks I located one female Freckled Duck. Others present
included Grey Teal, Chestnut Teal, Pink-eared Duck, Black Duck, Blue-billed
Duck, Australian Shoveler, Hardhead, Aust. Grebe, Hoary-headed Grebe, Coot
and Black Swan.
Nericon Swamp
Earlier in the week I took a look at the Nericon Swamp (north of Griffith).
Its currently playing host to good numbers of waders including Sharp-tailed
Sandpiper, Marsh Sandpiper, Red-capped Plover, Red-kneed Dotterel and
Black-tailed Godwit. Some of the other birds present included Caspian Tern
and Brown Songlark. A Painted Honeyeater could be heard nearby.
Mick Todd
Griffith, NSW
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