If this message below, is not from John Gamblin,
someone can beat me up with a penguin's flipper!
Philip Veerman
-----Original Message----- From:
Penn Gwynne <> To:
<> Date:
Tuesday, 8 May 2001 17:51 Subject: [BIRDING-AUS] Pre-cawl shun
hairy moves.
G'day Everyone, A speedy proposal has
been put forward to run a very large and very fast moving Catamarran
service from Stoney point on the Mornington Peninsula to George Town
in Tasmania.
The vessel is proposed to carry over 200 vehicles
with what is estimated to 2.5 persons per vehicle?
Could someone
please steer me in the right direction re: what is the governing body for
speeds of vessels whilst they are in the Western Port bay
Surely the oil carried by the vehicles is enough to warrant
a large and full scale investigation into this proposal? let alone the
fuel used by the craft itself?
I've got enough reading to keep me
busy for a while about the plans for the service, if anyone would
like them just email this email address for a copy.
What I firstly
ask is where is or was? the consultation process? surely residents of the
areas to be affected should have been spoken to re: traffic increase
and the many many more other issues?
In Westernport Bay we have a
RAMSAR site, a JAMBA site, and a CAMBA site, surely speeding past
these locations must be critical and could easily be viewed as a
"CAT astrophic" event waiting to happen, not only to
the waders we have here, but to the birds that fast swim, I wonder
what the Vic Govt. and private companies have donated to the Phillip
Island projects?
Seals ain't seals eh?
Perhaps that's it ....
twin hulled fast moving fairy slices them in half and we end up with
double the amount of waders, penguins, seals, whales ......
What about the whales we get in the bay? gee that was a good find and
many thanks to Jean Edgecombe for that.
Sings in a Gummy and angry
They don't realise how much we need them, We love them all
the time, Were never leave them, So come on back JG, Were as cut up
as can be, We need you,
They said they had a thing or two to tell
me, I said, I guess I knew it would upset me, So come now TT, And
spread some honesty, When need you,
Oh yes you told me, You
don't want my phone calls anymore, That's when it hurt me, And feeling
like, I just can't gone anymore,
More later when me teev
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