I have just returned from a visit to Norfolk Island. Arrived 20th March 2001,
departed 25th March.
Weather was sunny, with a few brief light showers on a couple of days. The
island's history, its people, scenery, laid back lifestyle makes it a pleasant
place to visit.. Needless to say I spent a fair bit of time birdwatching and was
pleased with the result.
Bird list:
Black-winged Petrel (2) Point Howe.
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Good numbers seen feeding with terns & noddies.
Masked Bobby Many seen around the island, esp. looking out towards
Phillip Island.
Red-tailed Tropic Bird Various sightings. One roosting along cliff at
Rocky Point.
Greater Frigatebird (1) Female at Point Howe, harassing a Masked Booby.
White-faced Heron (4) Kingston area.
Pacific Black Duck (2) Kingston - the only two I could pick as pure Black
Mallard Common.
Nankeen Kestrel (5+) Point Howe, Anson Bay, Kingston.
Feral Junglefowl Very common. In settled areas and throughout National
Californian Quail (5) Botanic Gardens, (6) Anson Bay, (4) Mt. Pitt, (4)
Rocky Point.
Purple Swamphen Common - Kingston marshes.
Lesser Golden Plover (121) Large numbers at Kingston, many in full
breeding colours.
Double-banded Dotterel (1) Non-breeding - Kingston marshes.
Common Greenshank (2) Kingston marshes.
Ruddy Turnstone (10) Near Slaughter Bay.
Whimbrel (2) Kingston.
Common Sandpiper (1) Kingston marshes.
White Tern Very common throughout.
Common Noddy Few seen at various places.
Black Noddy Very common, especially at Rocky Point.
Sooty Tern (6) Anson Bay.
Rock Dove Small numbers around Kingston and other settled areas.
Emerald Dove (9) Rocky Point, (4) Botanic Gardens.
Crimson Rosella Common.
Red-crowned Parakeet (2) Botanic Gardens near aviary - best time is
very early in the morning 6-7am, when a few wild birds hang around near the
aviary which houses the captive parrakeets. (2) seen flying overhead on Mt.
Pitt track, others heard calling in same area.
Sacred Kingfisher Common. Seen throughout the island.
Welcome Swallow (3) Point Howe.
Blackbird Very common throughout.
Song Thrush (5) seen in gardens at Anson Bay and Burnt Pine.
Scarlet Robin (8) Mt. Pitt track - males, females and immature birds
Golden Whistler Common especially along Mt.Pitt track, also Rocky
Point & Botanic Gardens. Easy to call in by squeaking or imitating its call
(even my bad imitations did the trick). Very tame and vocal. Compared to the
mainland whistler, the NI race is a plain brownish bird, with some light yellow
Grey Fantail Very common throughout.
Grey NI Gerygone Very common. Also easy to squeak in.
Silvereye Very common throughout. Most had the rufous flanks as per
the Tasmanian race.
Slender-billed Whiteeye Uncommon. Best place I found was Rocky Point ( Hundred
Acre Farm) where I had good close views on each of my 3 visits to this area.
Only saw them in pairs, feeding by probing into nooks & crannies with their long
bill. A few also seen on Mt. Pitt track.
Goldfinch Common. Flock of 30 seen along Mt.Pitt track.
House Sparrow Common.
Common Starling Numerous.
I tried for the NI Boobook Owl at Mt.Pitt but didn't even hear it calling.
Total species for the trip 39.
Well worth a visit.
John Duranti.
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