Nothing special happening here in SE Melbourne. Had a
questionable report of swift parrots on the nearby Yarra Yarra
Golf Course on Thursday. Can anyone check the i/d, numbers,
feeding behaviour ?
Thanks for mentioning that ABC bit on the flying foxes. I can
see why some people would have been silenced. In about 1000
words several highly debatable or tendentious propositions were
put up as facts (eg. that the flying foxes are refugees from
land clearing). There is a transcript at
Incidentally the Director of the RBGM is quoted as saying the
Minister "was told by a scientific advisory committee that the
bats were a threatened species and should be relocated, not
killed. Ms Garbutt rejected the committees advice."
But I understand the SAC's only task was to decide whether or
not the species was threatened in Victoria (with a separate
panel or forum advising on managing the species).
Michael Norris
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