Dear Robert,
I will reply to you but my health is not the best at
this very moment, so forgive the shortness, it matches
my breath, BUT you have angered me ........ I no
longer drive a car by choice and YOU automatically
assume I am anti canon netting? why? as is the choice
of my mode of transport I can see some flaws in both
what I was doing re: my past forms transport and of
course canon netting.
There is no relationship between car driving and canon
netting? why do you try to manipulate the conversation
to this fact? why not use friendly fire in human war
training exercises? you might have more success there
with higher data and a more emotional platform to work
Please read on, I've broken your email down into
sections of reply from me ..................
Robert Read <> wrote:
During the drawn out debate on cannon-netting one
person, who I do not wish to single out for criticism
wrote "I read with interest from many "netters" who
state the method of canon netting kills birds, this
has NOT been denied by anyone on this list.
You've deleted quite a few of my words here Robert?
some facts are missing from my original email. I do
keep copies .....
"Does it matter if it is one bird in a million, or one
bird in a hundred?"
Well does it? imagine being the canon netter that
kills the last of a species?
Perhaps the critics of cannon-netting might consider
that the next time they jump in their cars to go off
There you go yet again Robert automatically assuming
tisk tisk tisk I'm a twitcher eh? and I have and drive
a car ..... WRONG .... yet again you are wrong, wrong,
wrong, and Robert although I do enjoy this very
very healthy hobby/pastime/way of life it is not my
passion that connects me to birds and birding.
There is a real possibility that they will kill some
unfortunate bird.
What are you implying I will crush one with my walking
It is a fact that no matter how careful the driver any
car moving at above 40 kph (or perhaps less)
40 KPH is over most townships speed limit of 30 or 35,
I note with interest some suburbs are now asking for
even lower speed limits. Dare I tell you about NASA
and a very slow moving vehicle they have?
Over a long distance will kill a certain number of
Are you saying if I fly you to MARS the chances of you
hitting anything is not as great as if I were to fly
you to PLUTO?
I suspect that no one lets this unintended,
After all this time can it be called unintended? when
we know it has the chance to kill and does kill?
If we accept the unintended killing of birds for
relatively frivolous reasons why the howls of outrage
over the accidental killing of a very small number of
birds by netters engaged in serious research which may
be helpful for conservation?
Accidental??????? how many have been killed in total
by the act of canon netting? your saying that killing
by a canon netting is accidental? come come my dear
fellow we humans should learn by our mistakes should
we not? are we learning? when the act of canon netting
takes place? we know we have killed wild birds before
with this practice and yet continue with the same
About a week ago I posted a note on the dramatic
decline in numbers of Australian Bustards in this
Seen many rabbits lately? have we released anything
nasty into their local environment? are we positive
about what we have done? 100 per cent positive that
Curiously this attracted no comment. No one has
suggested that cannon-netting has lead to the decline
of any species, yet it is the subject of vociferous
Keep killing enough birds and guess what? birds will
disappear as if by magic from THAT area but only THAT
Strange that bustard hunting, which appears to be
causing a substantial decline of this species, is
Please see all other BUSTARD reports on this list.
I tend to do my best for my own backyard, I hope and
pray that many others do the same worldwide ..... just
not enough of us perhaps doing the same. You wish for
me to sit with the view that Bustard Hunting in total
is causing the decline in numbers IN YOUR AREA? is it?
is this what you wish me to believe? or could it be
lack of food? don't worry about it "La Nina is only
just gaining momentum now at this moment" and we have
plenty of warm sand for my head. Would you like to
join me? I have a very very old bottle of para port
and also an ancient bottle of USA bourbon? pre MIR
splashdown of course? hope no one is offended by my
white rear end?
Or is it just your localised BUSTARDS that are
declining in number??????? if so what are YOU doing
about it?
John A. Gamblin
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