Hi all
I wasn't getting "angry" with members who do nothing more than maintain a
membership (sorry if it came across that way).
My comments were about people saying one thing and doing another:
(1) the people who say "we" should do something about this (but they don't
contribute to the doing)
(2) the people who say "it would be good to promote birding to children more",
ask for help on this but then don't take up
the very useful help that is offered.
(3) the people who say "our club should advertise more" (but they don't help
with the publicity effort)
(4) the people who say "we" or "our club" should do more to encourage
membership and promote birding (but they don't help
with organising field days, guest speakers for their club or other promotional
I reiterate from my first email: it is people's personal choice as to whether
they contribute by action or not, but please
"walk the talk".
Irene Denton
Concord West, 12 km from Sydney city, NSW Australia
33 50 17 S 151 05 25 E
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, 11 November 2000 7:04
To: birding-aus
Subject: Birding publicity - conservation
"Irene Denton" <> wrote :
I know several
>people who SAY they support their club, support
>conservation, support bird publicity and activities etc. but
>when it comes to ACTUALLY doing something, it proves
>to largely be lip service.
I object to this. I am a member of Birds Australia, Bird Observers, ACF,
Greenpeace, WWF, WA Naturalists Club, Kimberley Society, Western Banders,
AWSG, SOSSA, etc. The only group that I am ACTIVE in is Birds Australia.
So don't get angry with members who do nothing. It is better that they are
a member than not at all.
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