
Mountin' ducks

Subject: Mountin' ducks
From: Tony Russell <>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 12:11:14 +0900
G'day all, looks as though Mountain Ducks have been mountin'. Yesterday at
Penrice Saltfields we saw two family groups, one pair with 12 and the other
with 15 of the cutest little chicks ever. Although Aust Shelducks are very
common here I had not seen them with chicks before.
A few waders were present, ie Sharpies, Whimbrel, Eastern Curlew,
Greenshanks, Common SP, but whether these were arrivals or over wintered we
couldn't tell. None were in breeding plumage. Oddly there were no
spoonbills at all, and no Red-capped Plovers or Stints - most unusual for
these sp. There were lots of Hoary-headed Grebes, Whiskered Terns(adults
and juveniles) and Caspians, Black-tailed Native Hens, and some BW Stilts,
Coots, and Moorhens. 
As mentioned in an earlier message a great number( perhaps thousands)of
juvenile and adult Banded Stilts have arrived.

One other piece of good news is that Buckland Park Lake (adjacent to
Penrice) which has been dry for some years owing to water being sucked off
for agriculture, has now received an enormous flow of water after recent
rains and is full to overflowing. Too deep for waterfowl presently but it
augurs well for this spring and summer once it settles down.

   ADELAIDE BIRDING with Tony Russell. South Australia by 4WD
   phone : 08 8337 5959  , o/s 61 8 8337 5959
   There's nothing quite like the feeling of seeing a new bird is there?

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