For what its worth, I'm a strong advocate of capitalisation of each word in
a common name - its the system that produces the least confusion, and
surely that should be a major aim of all writing styles and conventions.
In my experience the only Aust scientific journals which do not capitalise
are the CSIRO journals - Wildlife Research and Aust Journal of Zoology are
the most relevant to birds, - plus Aust J. Ecology. Some years ago there
was quite a debate over this between CSIRO editors and RAOU and others.
CSIRO stood firm against all lobbying.Therefore, I was somewhat surprised
when I looked at CSIRO's recent publication 'CSIRO List of Australian
Vertebrates' to find that it capitalises all words in the names of all
vertebrate classes, including Cat, Rabbit, Dog, Pig, Goat, Horse, Donkey
A case of the left hand not knowing what the right is doing, or a change
in policy?
Maybe the time is ripe to make a pre-emptive strike on the current CSIRO
editors to win them over.
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