While other Sydney birdwatchers were seeing mega-birds on the Wollongong
pelagics, 5 of us stayed at "Rockview" in the Capertee valley at Glen Davis
for the weekend.
We saw 80 species the highlights being:-
On "Rockview":
Lots of evidence of Painted Button-quail, much more than usual. We flushed
5 Swift Parrots flew past the house
c.20 Turquoise parrots
1 Beautiful Firetail
We dipped on the Glossy Blacks which we usually find on Rockview
In the valley:
1 Black Falcon between Glen Davis and Glen Alice.
A pair of Barking Owls at the usual spot behind the church at Glen Alice.
c.5 White-backed Swallows near the junction of Crown Station Road
We also dipped on Regent Honeyeaters and Plum-headed Finches
Allan Richards
34/13 Stewart Street
SYDNEY N.S.W. 2037
Phone: +61 2 9660 8062
Fax: +61 2 9218 6822
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