Syd Curtis wrote:
> The Australian Rainforest Conservation Society received the following
> request for helpfrom Haary Friesen (US of A) in identifying a rare
> Australian bird seen on TV:
> From: (Harry Friesen)
> Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 17:20:50 -0800 (PST)
> To:
> Subject: Exotic Bird
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Disposition: Inline
> Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
> MIME-Version: 1.0 (WebTV)
> X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
> Last week I saw a TV show about rare animals and birds of Australia.
> One of the birds was the most beautiful bird I have ever seen. It was
> about the size of small chicken with beautful feathers and with
> extensions from its side that looked about 2 or 3 ft long something like
> an outstretched wing. It had about 4 or 5 balllike thngs hanging down
> under each wing when outstretched. It also had an unusual tail of
> feathers when fluffed up that looked like white gauze. Really something
> rarely if ever seen. I do not know where I saw this TV show but would
> like to find uut where to get colored picures . My son is professor at
> Santa Barbara City College and is writ8ng a course on the diversity of
> Birds and I would liike to refer him to this bird. Can you help me?
> ******************************
> Tail feathers like white gauze suggests a lyrebird, and since photos of
> Albert Lyrebirds are rare, a Superb Lyrebird (_Menura novaehollandiae_).
> The 2 or 3 ft long extensions like wings could be the tail spread in
> display, but the ball-like things hanging down are a puzzle unless some
> sort of photographic effect.
> Can you help please.
> Syd Curtis at Hawthorne, Queensland, Australia
> H Syd Curtis
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And if there had been a reference to supurb mimicracy, then there would
be no doubt, as the lyrebird is probably the best mimic in the world!
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