> [snip]
> I join with others in objecting most strongly at having to wait (in my case
> for 20 minutes) while my computer downloaded a message and attachments that
> I did not want, and in fact could not read, they being in some format
> foreign to my set-up. I noted in removing them to the trash and discarding
> them that the attachments amounted to 1566 K!
I received two messages from Academic tours; only the second had the huge
attachments, but the "stealth" addressing and irritation factor were
sufficient to classify them as "spam" (or more correctly, unsolicited
commercial email.) I forwarded a copy of both messages (minus the
attachments) to the OzEmail administrators and
they have dealt with the matter as per their Acceptable Use Policy.
Forwarding a copy of such email messages to "abuse" at their ISP
is probably the quickest way to express your displeasure; most ISP's have
an policy against spamming, and will take appropriate action against the
perpetrators. Details on steps you can take to fight spam can be found at:
Paul Taylor Veni, vidi, tici -
I came, I saw, I ticked.