Hi all. Like Julian, I don't know about the Hornbills, never been there to
see them, but I have to agree with the rest of his comments. Good on you
Julian for having a knock at the pedantic Knockers and nitpickers.
Notwithstanding any errors or shortcomings the show may have it has to stand
as a milestone in trying to lift public awareness.
I thoroughly endorse Julian's comments and I too have had many more
questions about birds from non birding people in recent weeks,and this is
just delightful.So I don't worry about the small errors of detail which TV
producers can be expected to make, overall, the show must be viewed as a
positive contribution.
See you in church Julian. Tony.
At 12:51 5/01/99 +1000, you wrote:
>At 20:25 4/01/1999 +1100,wrote:
>>While we're picking on David Attenborough & the BBC -
>Not all of us chuckie. Some of us think it's a top rate show and only wish
>we could see more of the same - especially more home grown stuff.
>>did anyone else
>>notice a rather spectacular mistake in last night's show? That Pied
>>Hornbill looked awfully like a Great Hornbill to me!
>Are you sure? Looked okay to me BUT then I've never seen ANY hornbills. I
>have only my fieldguides. I do note however that there appears to have been
>no mention of this in the UK version of birding-aus. A knowledgeable lot
>those Pom birders, many of who picked up the Lord Howe Island shot of "New
>Caledonia". I know a number of Aussie birders who DID NOT pick up this error.
>Besides, as I recently discussed with Jim Davies, I have received a lot of
>positive feedback from non-birding friends and acquaintances who have been
>impressed by the show and while I doubt that they will become overnight
>birders they have at least for the past few weeks given some thought to the
>subject of birds, especially Australian birds.
>I note from Bo Crombet-Beolens (of that:
>"The programme (Life of Birds) was a total success in that it has certainly
>turned on a lot of non birders to birds and their welfare. To quote one
>friend "it won't turn me into an anorak but it was really nice; I begin to
>see your fascination".
>And surely if this series can make non-birders out there in the "great
>unwashedness" aware of birds, albeit for a brief time, it enhances our
>pastime and may do some good for the overall welfare of birds at some future
>Too easy to be negative.
>May 1999 bring you a part of all the birds you would like to see - all of
>them would leave you with no further goals!
>Julian Bielewicz
>Past President
>Queensland Ornithological Society
>12 Florence Street
>Kippa-Ring, Q. 4021
>Tel: +61 7 3283 4921
>Fax: +61 7 3889 4272
Tony Russell
Ph: 08 82078470W
08 83375959H
Fax:08 82078422
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