Well Ian, I agreed between me and myself that I wouldn't send the Reindeer
Christmas card again this year. I copped a lot of flack over that from some
people, but also (gratifyingly)a lot of delight from others. But it did clog
up quite a few systems I believe.
I thought we agreed that large attachments would not be sent on broad
distribution, but if anyone wanted lengthy material sent to them to arrange
for private destination transmission with the sender.
At 10:03 18/11/98 +1100, you wrote:
>I had a feeling, following a recent tropical bug that found its way into the
>list, that we had agreed not to post attachments. I recall it because it
>slipped past my apparently antiquated vetting programme of the time.
>On the other hand, it could well be that my memory is deteriorating with age
>more rapidly than even I had feared, in which case ignore this!
>Ian Fraser, Canberra
>Environment Tours; Vertego Environmental Writing Consultancy
>GPO Box 3268, Canberra, ACT 2601
>ph: 02 62491560 fax: 02 62473227
Tony Russell
Ph: 08 82078470W
08 83375959H
Fax:08 82078422
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