
Re: Tawny Frogmouths nesting

Subject: Re: Tawny Frogmouths nesting
From: Peter Woodall <>
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 11:18:42 +1000
At 09:32 4/11/98 +1000, you wrote:
>g'day all
>While working on the plumages (how to sex them etc) of all 3 frogmouths
>last year for HANZAB I noticed that in all photos I examined (about 40) the
>males do all the incubation by day and possibly by night and the males do
>all the brooding by day. Apparently the females brood by night while the
>males forage for the family. I only found one recorded of nest builiding by
>a bird that I could sex, and that was a female ("Fred" who is pictured in
>David Hollands book). Since last year I've seen four nests of Tawny, all
>with the male sitting by day and the female close by.  One nest had small
>chicks, the others either eggs or empty. My experience is that its the norm
>for the female to be close by, though maybe in the next tree in Tawnys.
>According to one source (I think Schodde & Mason's Nocturnal Birds) female
>Marbled Frogmouths roost some distance from the males or nest. Apparently
>in Marbled  The other thing I have noticed is that most of the frogmouths I
>see foraging are males. My samples are small and probably biased but I am
>beginning to suspect that males spend a lot more of the night actively
>David James
>PO BOX 5225
>Townsville Mail Centre 4810

It sounds a tough life for the poor old male, 
looking after the kids all day 
and then sent out to find grub at night!

Dr Peter Woodall                          email = 
Division of Vet Pathology & Anatomy             
School of Veterinary Science & An. Prod.  Phone = +61 7 3365 2300
The University of Queensland              Fax   = +61 7 3365 1355
Brisbane, Qld, Australia 4072             WWW  =
"hamba phezulu" (= "go higher" in isiZulu)


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