In an attempt to steer birding-aus back to birding in aus, here is a DRAFT
list of penguin records for Tasmania 1992+. some details to be checked
(such as exact dates) but posted here for info/interest.
I believe there is another King Penguin record (still tracking it down),
and another Fiordland in late August 1997. Also another Fiordland from Low
Head area during 'Iron Baron' oil spill event.
We have already had a record of a crested penguin (poss Rockhopper)
beachwashed on Bruny Island (may be 1997 rather than 1998 record).
Clearly Fiordlands are the commonest penguin reported from Tas, but 2
records of Snares are of particular interest, as is the Erect-crested.
There have been only 5 previous records of Gentoo Penguins from Tas, only 1
prev record of an Erect-crested (a b/w skull on Trefoil I in Bass St), and
6 previous records of Snares Crested Penguins. Approximately 50 prior
records of Fiordland, 21 of King, and 40 Royal Penguins have been made in
Tas up to June 1992.
Full details can be found in Woehler EJ 1992, Records of vagrant penguins
from Tasmania. Marine Ornithology 20, 61-73. (Note that this paper lists
more records than listed in HANZAB)
Any other records will be gratefully acknowledged.
all best
Records of vagrant penguins in Tasmania, 1992+
Species Date Location Status, comments
Erect-crested Penguin Feb/Mar 97 Port Arthur released after
Fiordland Penguin 3-Jun-93 Richardson's Beach, Coles Bay,1 to
2 yr old, live
Fiordland Penguin 19-Jul-93 Eaglehawk Neck
Fiordland Penguin 24-Jul-93 Ocean Beach beachwashed
Fiordland Penguin 24-Aug-93 Seven Mile Beach
Fiordland Penguin 9-Oct-93 Beaumaris Beach
Fiordland Penguin Oct-96 Scamander Beach alive
Fiordland Penguin 10-Feb-97 Cox Bight beachwashed
Fiordland Penguin Feb/Mar 97 Port Arthur died while in rehab
Fiordland Penguin Feb-97 Fortescue Bay photographed, alive
on beach
Fiordland Penguin 8-Jul-97 Blue Stone Bay wounded, released alive
Fiordland Penguin 1997 Eddystone Pt alive, damaged leg
Gentoo Penguin 22-Feb-96 Wilson Bight, SW Cape moulting
King Penguin 15-Feb-97 Cloudy Bay, Bruny I,moulting juv,
present to 1 Mar
Macaroni Penguin 8-Aug-93 Falmouth beachwashed
Rockhopper Penguin 20-Dec-96 Fortescue Bay beachwashed
Rockhopper Penguin? 4-Jan-97 Marion Bay (S of Eagles Beach)
beachwashed, juv, ?spp ID
Royal Penguin 4-Jan-92 6 nm to sea of Eaglehawk Neck
Snares Crested Penguin Jul-97 Trial Harbour alive, broken leg
Snares Crested Penguin 31-Aug-97 1km N of Waterfall Bay, Tasman
Penin, freshly moulted, on rocks
Dr Eric J Woehler
Australian Antarctic Division
Channel Highway,
ph (03) 6223 1980 (h)
(03) 6232 3209 (w)
fax (03) 6232 3351 (w)
+613 6232 3351 (w)