How tough to be stuck in the US/Canada for 3 weeks in the fall! It sounds
like a real imposition!!
Arizona and Texas (the central and lower coast especially) are both great.
It depends quite a bit on whether you have already birded North America or
not and whether this is hard-core birding or a combination of birding and
seeing some of the best places in North America at the same time. As well
as the two places you mention I have had excellent birding and found the
following places very enjoyable/attractive: Vancouver, San Francisco and
environs (esp. Point Reyes National Seashore), Southern California, Ontario
generally and the Florida Keys. (A bit off the beaten track, but Diana and
I just recently had 11 extremely enjoyable and productive days in Trinidad
and Tobago - some 200 species in a superb part of the world. If you had the
wherewithall you could do an awful lot worse!)
Some suggestions: There are some terrific books about birding locations in
North America and the Lane Guides particularly (available through the
American Birding Association) are superbly detailed local trip and
bird-finding guides. I have a number of these and a range of other North
American books which might be useful/interesting to refer to. Feel free to
get back to me if you are interested.
Richard Nowotny (Melbourne).
>Hi all,
>It looks as though Iam going to be landed in North America for three weeks
>from the last two in September to the first week in October. I will spend
>time around Toronto to begin with, but does anyone have a great suggestion
>for the other two weeks. I will be alone, backpacking(unless my Ghana
>licence is accepted.
>I was thinking about Arizona or Texas.
>Iain Campbell