I was going to ignore all this as I am never likely to buy leech proof socks
this is because leeches are very keen on me and get on me in many other
places, the winner being one in my ear a very nasty experience
Ron is right, the determined leech would just gallop up the socks and go
in at the waist. anyhow in really leechy places they are already up about
eye level on bushes, mossy treetrunks and vines, or swimming in the deep
water you are wading in.
I favour saturating my ordinary socks and trouser legs in any strong
smelling insecticide or insect repellent
some people in north queensland favour old fashioned citronella, including
rubbing appropriate parts of themselves with a mixture of baby oil and
citronella. when i tried this no leeches got on me but maybe there were no
hungry leeches
I agree with paul the itchy and infected bite is much worse than the
squishy sock.
in my experience if they get on me and I let them finish their meal and get
off by themselves the bite is not itchy; this is what happened to the one
in my ear. if i make them get off by putting salt on them the bite is not
itchy. (I used to carry a salt shaker in my pocket in leechy places!) if I
forcefully take them off or make them get off by applying a lighted match,
the bite is likely to be very itchy and get infected.
writing all this makes me happy i no longer live in rain forest