Message sent on behalf of Diego Gil
Dear bioacousticians,
We are preparing a sound-animated exhibit comparing pristine habitats with noise-polluted areas for an exhibition at the Spanish Museum of Natural History on the Anthropocene.
My plan was to allow visitors by means of QR codes to flip from a natural to a polluted soundscape in a variety of biomes, including tropical forests, underwater soundscapes, etc.
We do have some recordings already, but I'm looking for short clips of soundscapes that you think might show impressive contrasts to visitors. If you could contribute with some of these recordings, we would be most grateful to you. I'm afraid we cannot pay
for this, but your collaboration will be duly mentioned in the panel and documentation of the exhibition. Please email me at
Best wishes and thanks in advance,
Diego Gil
Departamento de Ecología Evolutiva
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC)
José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2
28006 Madrid
Tel: 00 34 91 411 13 28, ext. 980014
Fax: 00 34 91 564 50 78
web site: