Dear colleagues
We are looking for a behavioural ecologist with relevant experience to work on
a NERC-funded project investigating the role of communication networks in
structuring ecological communities. The post is available for 44 months and
involves 15 months of fieldwork on African savannah herbivores (incl. playback
experiments, ecological surveys and outreach activities), data analysis (incl.
acoustic analysis) and contribution to theoretical modelling of mixed-species
group formation. The project is a collaboration between the University of
Liverpool (Dr Jakob Bro-Jørgensen, Mammalian Behaviour & Evolution Group,
and the University of York (Dr Dan Franks, York Centre for
Complex Systems Analysis). For more information, visit:
Please could you pass this on to colleagues you think might be interested.
Best regards,
Jakob Bro-Jørgensen MSc PhD
Mammalian Behaviour & Evolution Group
Department of Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour
Institute of Integrative Biology
University of Liverpool
Leahurst Campus
Neston CH64 7TE
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)151 794 6009 M: +44(0)794 233 7360 (mobile)
F: +44 (0)151 794 6107 E: