Call for participation
NIPS for Bioacoustics - 10th of dec. - Nevada - USA
Joint to int. conf. on Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS 2013
Bioacoustic data science aims at analyzing and modeling animal sounds
for neuroethology - biodiversity assessment. The increased
expectations from bioacoustic research have been coincident with a
dramatic increase in the spatial, temporal and spectral scales of
acoustic data collection efforts. Given the complexity of the targets
with their environmental contexts, one of the most promising strategie
concerns neural information processing and advanced machine learning.
Topic of interest includes:
* Environmental Big Data
* Semi-supervised classification
* High dimensional clustering
* Feature learning / Sparse coding
* ConvNet, DeepNet, Scattering
* Passive acoustic 4D tracking
* Biosonar neurophysiology (marine mammals, chiroptera)
* Animal call classification
* Submarine and terrestrian biodiversity indexing
Two challenges are running:
* Bird classification challenge:, ends 20th nov.
* Whale song analysis challenge:
* Challenge working note submission: 20th Nov
Hervé Glotin, LSIS, IUF & univ. Toulon, France
Yann LeCun, NYU, New York, USA
Thierry Artières, LIP6, Paris, France
Stéphane Mallat, ENS, Paris, France
Ofer Tchernichovski, CUNY, NY, USA
Xanadu Halkias, LSIS, univ. Toulon, France
Herve' Glotin, Pr.
Institut Univ. de France (IUF), Univ. Toulon (USTV), CNRS (LSIS)
Information DYNamics & Integration (DYNI team, PI)