The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 128
Issue: 6
The use of frequency resolution in echolocation for modeling three dimensional environments
Benjamin D. Huebschman
pp. EL384-EL389
Spatial perception and adaptive sonar behavior
Murat Aytekin, Beatrice Mao, and Cynthia F. Moss
pp. 3788-3798
Auditory masking of a 10 kHz tone with environmental, comodulated, and Gaussian
noise in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
Jennifer S. Trickey, Brian K. Branstetter, and James J. Finneran
pp. 3799-3804
Monitoring underwater explosions in the habitat of resident bottlenose dolphins
Manuel E. dos Santos, Miguel N. Couchinho, Ana Rita Luis, and Emanuel J.
pp. 3805-3808
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