Forwarded from Tim Krein <>:
Here is the latest news on Canary and Raven, sound analysis software programs
developed by the Bioacoustics Research Program at the Cornell Lab of
o Canary is free
After the initial release of Canary in 1992 and subsequent upgrades through the
1990s, BRP has decided to make Canary an unsupported free download from its web
site. Canary runs best on Mac OS 9.2.2 or earlier, but some features of Canary
will run on Mac OS X. For those scientists who have an older Mac, Canary is
still a good tool for scientific analysis. For those with newer Macs who are
waiting for Raven to add such Canary features as correlation and calibration,
this could be a help for you until the features are implemented in Raven.
The program and PDF user's manual can be downloaded from or by visiting the main BRP
web site at and clicking on the Sound
Analysis Software link. To replace the technical support that BRP has provided
for the past 13 years, we've created a Canary user forum at to allow interested Canary users to share
ideas, problems, and solutions. BRP will continue to support paying customers
of Canary through the end of 2005, but then official support will end in favor
of the Canary user forum. Discounts on the price of Raven for those customers
who bought Canary are also being discontinued at the end of 2005.
o Raven Awards granted
Earlier this year, 44 scientists from around the world were granted permanent and
temporary licenses of Raven sound analysis software for use in their research. For a
list of winners and how they plan to use Raven, visit the Raven home page at Click on the Raven link, then click on the "Awards
Program" button at the left side of the page.
o Raven 1.3 beta planned
A beta program of Raven 1.3 is planned for early 2006. Interested parties
should write to In this release, Raven becomes
extensible so that users can add some of their own features to the program.
The early features of the release focus on multi-channel recording and
- Extensible audio input device support, including support for NI-DAQmx devices
and ASIO devices (beta 1)
- A new beamforming view to determine bearing in multi-channel recordings (beta
- Extensible detector support, including a bandlimited energy detector (beta 2)
Tim Krein
Software Team Leader
Bioacoustics Research Program
Cornell Lab of Ornithology