From: "Steve Simpson" <>
We would like to remind you that the deadline for submitting abstracts for the
session on Marine Acoustics at the forthcoming 2006 Ocean Sciences Meeting is
fast approaching. The last day for electronic submissions is Thursday 20
October at The 13th Ocean Sciences Meeting,
a joint meeting of ASLO, TOS and AGU, will be held 20-24 February 2006 in
Honolulu, Hawaii.
The aims and scope of the session (OS-108) are as follows:
Marine Acoustics
>From the use of hydroacoustic monitoring to detect and locate submarine
>earthquakes and volcanic activity to navigation cues for young reef fish
>finding their way home marine acoustics is a rapidly expanding area of
>research and development. Increasing concerns of the effects of underwater
>noise, both anthropogenic and natural, on the marine environment are raising
>marine acoustics to the forefront of scientific research and to government
>policy and legislation. This session will include the following:
* Acoustic tomography for water mass monitoring and climate research
* Acoustic techniques for habitat classification, fish and plankton abundance
and biomass modelling
* Acoustic techniques advancing marine archaeology
* Seafloor acoustics, mapping topography and military surveying for vessels and
* Acoustic remote sensing of the marine environment
* Underwater acoustic communication and navigation, people and animals
* Advances in acoustic technologies
* The effect of anthropogenic and natural noise on marine life
Dr. Bev Mackenzie, Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, UK
Prof. A. Gavrilov, Centre for Marine Science & Technology, Curtin University of
Technology, Australia
Dr. Stephen Simpson, School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Angela Davis, School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, UK
When submitting your abstracts, please use the session code: OS-108. If you
know of anyone else who may be interested in this symposium, please feel free
to pass on this information. We hope to have a good representation of the
bioacoustics community in this session, and look forward to seeing you there.
Steve Simpson
Dr. Stephen D. Simpson
Tropical Fish Ecologist, University of Edinburgh
Ashworth 2, Kings Buildings, EH9 3JT, UK
Tel: +44 131 651 3637; Mob: +44 7900551883
Click for my website; Fax: +44 131 650 6564