Volume: 116
Issue: 4
Source parameter estimates of echolocation clicks from wild pygmy killer
whales (Feresa attenuata) (L)
P. T. Madsen, I. Kerr, R. Payne
pp. 1909--1912
Simultaneous measurement of middle-ear input impedance and forward/reverse
transmission in cat
Susan E. Voss, Christopher A. Shera
pp. 2187--2198
Geographic variation and acoustic structure of the underwater vocalization
of harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) in Norway, Sweden and Scotland
Anders Bjorgesaeter, Karl Inne Ugland, Arne Bjorge
pp. 2459--2468
Tutorial lecture at the upcoming ASA conference:
Ocean noise and marine mammals: A tutorial lecture
Gerald D'Spain, Douglas Wartzok
p. 2499
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