free-ranging Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, _Sousa chinensis_. Aquatic
Mammals_ 30(1):175-178.
*Institute of Environmental Science, University of Wales Bangor, Robinson
Building, Deiniol Road, Bangor, Gwynedd. LL57 2UW United Kingdom
Opportunistic recordings of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin clicks were made
from a group of approximately ten humpback dolphins in the waters off Lantau
Island, Hong Kong. Clicks were typically delphinid in waveshape, especially
the click onsets, with spectral energy extending up to at least 200 kHz.
Pulse durations were a few tens of microseconds. There appeared to be
bimodality in the click spectra, an observation consistent with the
hypothesis of asymmetric phonating lips. Due to the opportunistic nature of
the recordings and the uncontrolled recording conditions, click waveforms
captured here are unlikely to be representative of on-axis signals, so the
spectrum of the recorded signals may differ from those that would be
recorded directly in front of the animals.