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Advances in Bioacoustics

Subject: Advances in Bioacoustics
From: Mathevon <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 11:32:59 -0700
<tt>The first volume of "Advances in Bioacoustics" is now available online 
 (free of charge) at</tt><br>
 <tt>This issue of the Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences presents 
 some of the results of the XIX° International BioAcoustics Congress 
 (IBAC). You can see the Table of contents at the end of this message.</tt><br>
 <tt>You may also buy a paperback version from M. Gogala 
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or R. Ranft ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).</tt><br>
 <pre style="margin: 0em;">Best wishes,
 Nicolas Mathevon</pre><br>
 <pre style="margin: 0em;"><br>Table of contents</pre><br>
 <pre style="margin: 0em;">  · **Advances in bioacoustics**
 Vielliard, Jacques M.E.</pre><br>
 <pre style="margin: 0em;">  · **Innateness and the instinct to learn**
 Marler, Peter</pre><br>
 <pre style="margin: 0em;">  · **From birdsong to speech: a plea for 
comparative approaches**
 Todt, Dietmar</pre><br>
 <tt>  · **Rules of song development and their use in vocal interactions by 
 birds with large repertoires**<br>
 Geberzahn, Nicole; Hultsch, Henrike</tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Approaches to the mechanisms of song memorization and singing 
 provide evidence for a procedural memory**<br>
 Hultsch, Henrike; Todt, Dietmar</tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Evidence of tutoring in the development of subsong in 
 newly-fledged Meyer's Parrots /Poicephalus// meyeri/**<br>
 Masin, Simone; Massa, Renato; Bottoni, Luciana</tt><br>
 <tt>  · **A memory like a female Fur Seal: long-lasting recognition of 
 pup's voice by mothers**<br>
 Mathevon, Nicolas; Charrier, Isabelle; Aubin, Thierry  
 **Identification and analysis of vocal communication pathways in birds 
 through inducible gene expression**<br>
 Mello, Claudio V.</tt><br>
 <pre style="margin: 0em;">  · **Vocal mechanisms in birds and bats: 
*comparative view**
 Suthers, Roderick A.</pre><br>
 <tt>  · **Combination sensitivity and processing of communication calls in 
 the inferior colliculus of the Moustached Bat /Pteronotus parnellii/**<br>
 Portfors, Christine V.</tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Are communication activities shaped by environmental constraints 
 in reverberating and absorbing forest habitats?**<br>
 Mathevon, Nicolas; Aubin, Thierry ;Dabelsteen, Torben; Vielliar, Jacques 
   · **Degradation of song in a species using nesting holes: the 
 Pied Flycatcher /Ficedula hypoleuca/**<br>
 Lampe, Helene M.; Dabelsteen, Torben; Larsen, Ole N.; Pedersen, Simon B. 
 <pre style="margin: 0em;">  · **Does the environment constrain avian sound 
 Larsen, Ole N.</pre><br>
 <tt>  · **Strategies that facilitate or counter 
 eavesdropping on vocal interactions in songbirds**<br>
 Dabelsteen, Torben </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Penguins and their noisy world**<br>
 Aubin, Thierry </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Tonal vocalizations in a noisy environment: an 
 approach to their semi-automatic analysis and examples of its application**<br>
 Mundry, Roger ;Sommer, Christian</tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Causes and consequences of song amplitude adjustment in a 
 territorial bird: a case study in nightingales**<br>
 Brumm, Henrik  </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Evolution of acoustic communication in crickets: 
 phylogeny of Eneopterinae reveals an adaptive radiation involving 
 high-frequency calling (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Eneopteridae)**<br>
 Robillard, Tony; Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure  </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Acoustic evolution 
 in crickets: need for phylogenetic study and a reappraisal of signal 
 Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure; Robillard, Tony  </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Bioacoustic** 
 investigations and taxonomic considerations on the /Cicadetta// 
 /montana/ species complex (Homoptera: Cicadoidea: Tibicinidae)**<br>
 Gogala, Matija ;Trilar, Tomi  </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Complex communication signals: the 
 case of the Blue-black Grassquit /Volatinia// jacarina/ (Aves, 
 Emberizidae) song. Part I - A structural analysis**<br>
 Fandiño-Mariño, Hernán ;Vielliard, Jacques M.E. </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **How a simple and stereotyped acoustic signal transmits<br>
 individual information: the song of the White-browed Warbler<br>
 /Basileuterus leucoblepharus/**<br>
 Aubin, Thierry; Mathevon, Nicolas; Silva, Maria Luisa da; Vielliard, 
 Jacques M.E;. Sebe, Frederic  </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Comparative analysis of the song of the Rufous-collared Sparrow<br>
 /Zonotrichia capensis/ (Emberizidae)<br>
 between Campinas and Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil**<br>
 Avelino, Márcio F.; Vielliard, Jacques M.E. </tt><br>
 <pre style="margin: 0em;">  · **Acoustic communication in the Red-vented 
Bulbul /Pycnonotus
 Kumar, Anil</pre><br>
 <tt>  · **Variation in the behavioral responses of Budgerigars 
 /Melopsittacus undulatus/ to an alarm call in relation to sex and 
 Nicolas, Gérard; Fraigneau, Cloé; Aubin, Thierry   </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Modulation by steroid hormones of a ''sexy'' acoustic signal in<br>
 an Oscine species, the Common Canary /Serinus canaria/**<br>
 Rybak, Fanny; Gahr, Manfred  </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Isolation induced changes in Guinea Pig /Cavia porcellus/ pup<br>
 distress whistles**<br>
 Monticelli, Patrícia F.; Tokumaru, Rosana S.; Ades, César   </tt><br>
 <pre style="margin: 0em;">  · **The song of the Brazilian population of 
Humpback Whale
 /Megaptera novaeangliae/, in the year 2000: individual song variations
 and possible implications**
 Arraut, Eduardo M.; Vielliard, Jacques M.E.</pre><br>
 <tt>  · **Analysis of whistles produced by the Tucuxi Dolphin /Sotalia<br>
 fluviatilis/ from Sepetiba Bay, Brazil **<br>
 Erber, Claudia; Simão, Sheila M.; </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Differences in the whistle characteristics and repertoire of<br>
 Bottlenose and Spinner Dolphins**<br>
 Bazúa-Durán, Carmen  </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Long-distance calls in Neotropical primates**<br>
 Oliveira, Dilmar A.G.; Ades, César   </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Vocal sequential exchanges and intragroup spacing in the<br>
 Northern Muriqui /Brachyteles arachnoides hypoxanthus/**<br>
 Mendes, Francisco D.C.; Ades, César   </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Bioacoustics of human whistled languages: an alternative<br>
 approach to the cognitive processes of language**<br>
 Meyer, Julien  </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Communication by unvoiced speech: the role of whispering**<br>
 Cirillo, Jasmin  </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Bits and q-bits as versatility measures**<br>
 Piqueira, José R.C.  </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Species richness and relative abundance of birds in natural and<br>
 anthropogenic fragments of Brazilian Atlantic forest**<br>
 Anjos, Luiz dos </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Automated bioacoustic identification of species**<br>
 Chesmore, David </tt><br>
 <tt>  · **Identification of /Tibicen/ cicada species by a Principal<br>
 Components Analysis of their songs**<br>
 Ohya, Eiji </tt><br>
 <pre style="margin: 0em;">  · **Application of automated bioacoustic 
identification in
 environmental education and assessment**
 Oba, Teruyo</pre><br>
 <pre style="margin: 0em;">  · **Compact and user-friendly ultrasound 
acquisition systems
 optimized for field recording**
 Specht, Raimund</pre><br>
 <pre style="margin: 0em;">  · **Natural sound archives: past, present and 
 Ranft, Richard</pre><br>
 Nicolas MATHEVON 
 Equipe 'Communications Acoustiques' (The BioAcoustics Team) 
 <a  href=""; 
 Département de Biologie, Universite Jean Monnet, 
 23 rue Michelon, 42023 Saint-Etienne cedex 2, France 
 tel (33)(0)4 77 48 50 22 
 fax (33)(0)4 77 48 51 16 

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