Volume 114, Issue 5, Nov. 2003
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[Book review] Acoustic Communication
Andrea Megela Simmons, Arthur N. Popper, Richard R. Fay (Editors)
H. Carl Gerhardt, review author
pp. 2528--2529
[Patent] Blood-sucking insect control station
J. Roy Nelson
p. 2549
U.S. Navy sources and receivers for studying acoustic propagation and
climate change in the ocean (L)
John L. Spiesberger
pp. 2557--2560
Acoustic backscattering by Hawaiian lutjanid snappers. I. Target
strength and swimbladder characteristics
Kelly J. Benoit-Bird, Whitlow W. L. Au, Christopher D. Kelley
pp. 2757--2766
Acoustic backscattering by Hawaiian lutjanid snappers. II. Broadband
temporal and spectral structure
Whitlow W. L. Au, Kelly J. Benoit-Bird
pp. 2767--2774
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