Dear Listers,
I am a Spanish ecologist and, at the beginning of next year, will be
lecturing a workshop on multivariate analyses (PCA & nMDS ordinations, and
cluster) for assesing ecological patterns, with a focus on aquatic mammals.
The activity will be held by the Omacha Foundation (Dr Fernando Trujillo) in
Colombia and all participants will be aquatic mammalogists working in the
Amazon and the Orinoco systems, some of them being involved in bioacoustic
behaviour of Inia, Sotalia, and Trichechus inungis.
Now, I am looking for papers dealing with diferent aspects of aquatic mammal
research, particularly bioacoustics, and using multivariate aproaches in
their analyses. These papers will be used as case studies throughout the
I would very much appreciate a copy/reprint/pdf file of any of this kind of
papers you may have published.
Many thanks indeed.
Salvador Herrando-Pérez
Biologician, MPhil BSc
C/ Padre Jofre 19,piso 3, pta 7
12006 Castellón de la Plana