I agree totally.
The decrease in bird species is alarming - and if one of the reasons is flying
rats 🐀- then this needs to be addressed.
Best wishes,
> On 16 Nov 2020, at 2:43 pm, Michael Hunter <> wrote:
> Indian Mynahs are a pestilence on much of Sydney's suburbia.
> They can be virtually totally eliminated by blocking their nesting cavities,
> which are invariably under the eaves of houses, often via gutters.
> Trapping and wringing their necks ("euthanising") is never ending, stopping
> them from breeding is permanent.
> In Suburbia it would be a big deal for all houses to block off, but should be
> a program instituted by all the relevant Councils.
> Education pamphlets distributed to all households, possibly the provision of
> mobile teams of ladder men with a supply of old ("nylon") socks or wire
> netting would get completely rid of these "flying rats".
> Hopefully the return of many small native bird spp. to suitable areas would
> follow. Particularly areas without uncontrolled cat populations .
> I can personally vouch for this. The only Indian Mynah nest in a tree cavity
> that I have seen was short lived thanks to either goannas or other hole
> nesting birds . Not applicable in most of infested Suburbia.
> Yours Very Sincerely
> Michael Hunter.
> Sent from my iPhone
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