Hi All,
The Whitley Awards are presented by the Royal Zoological Society of NSW (RZS NSW) each year. They recognise the books that have contributed most significantly to the communication of information about fauna in the Australasian region. The RZS NSW also presents a special commendation each year to a person who has made a significant lifetime contribution to Australasian zoology through publication. A complete list of winners can be found on the RZS NSW website https://www.rzsnsw.org.au/grants-awards/previous-winners/2020-winners.
Three bird books are among this year's winners:
Cooper, R.M., McAllan, I.A.W., Brandis, C.C.P. & Curtis, B.R. (2020). An Atlas of the Birds of the NSW and the ACT, Volume 3 (NSW Bird Atlassers Inc., Woolgoolga).
Darby, A. (2020). Flight Lines (Allen & Unwin, Sydney).
Gregory, P. (2020). Birds of Paradise and Bowerbirds (Bloomsbury Publishing, London).
Congratulations to all the winners, especially those who were involved in the production of the three bird books.
Kind regards,
Stephen Ambrose
RZS NSW Councillor