my inner west Sydney suburban backyard has had a pair of White Winged Trillers
and a Sacred Kingfisher since that recent hot windy weather. Kookaburras have
been destocking the resident herds of Brown Grass and Garden Skinks which until
just before the hot winds were numerous large and lazy. It was if the
Kookaburras knew that the wind would blow in the kingfisher so they had better
get into the skinks ahead them. Since the Kingfisher arrived no kookaburras
around and no lizards left out sunbaking so the Kingfisher might not stay the
week or so it normally does at this time of year.
Koel's were loudly instructing their Red Wattle Birds to get on with renesting
as they have got that first clutch out and fledged.
CBC flew over recently with a squadron of Rainbow Lorikeets in hot pursuit.
That long neck and beak could easily get nestlings out of a hollow.
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