Hi All
a pleasant morning walk at the above site today from 7:30-10:15am. I walked
from the Chiltern Rd gate to McCarrs Creek gate and back (about 1.5km each
way). Although I was hoping I might encounter a Rock Warbler, Brush Bronzewing
or a Heathwren, there was nothing extra special about. I did see a
Square-tailed Kite (about 400m in from the entry gate) circling over the ridge
to the south of the track. There seem to be quite a few about in northern
Sydney at present – this was definitely not the bird I saw at home (North
Turramurra) yesterday - unless it has miraculously grown some wing feathers
There were lots of honeyeaters – 14 species seen or heard - and they were all
very active. Lots of calling, feeding and chasing. The White-eared Honeyeaters
were much more visible and vocal than usual and small packets of passage
honeyeaters were passing over. Some of the bloodwoods along the fire trail
have blossom out and it looks like there might be more coming. Could be a site
worth keeping an eye on over the next few weeks if the blossom does kick in.
Tom Wilson
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