Further to my birding-aus report of 25 March 2016 (reproduced below) about
wader surveys along the Yellow Sea near Shanghai with Zhang Lin, I enclose a
recent email from Zhang who is helping organize a birding trip to see a
range of interesting birds, including Spoon-billed Sandpiper. Trip details
are below. I will be birding in Nepal in April; otherwise I would go - and
definitely recommend it.
Bob Sothman
From: Zhang Lin
Sent: Thursday, 5 January 2017 11:03 AM
Subject: Amazing Yellow Sea
Hi Bob
Our NGO,the Spoon-billed Sandpiper in China will have a fundraising tour in
the spring.
If u come to Nantong again to visit your daughter,u may consider join in the
Or if u have friends interested in, pls help to forward.
In the coming Tattler,there will be an article from us about resightings of
color-marked Spooners last autumn.
Zhang Lin
www.shanghaibirdingtour.com <http://www.shanghaibirdingtour.com/>
msn <>
cell +86 13764195979
Amazing Yellow Sea A birding trip along the best birding sites along the
Yellow Sea, China
Dates: April 11 ~ April 21, 11 days, dates may change on request Sites:
Shanghai: Chongming island Jiangsu Coast: Rudong ~ Yancheng ~ Lianyungang
Jiangsu and Jiangxi: Nanjing and Wuyuan hilly areas Highlights: Jiangsu
Coast: Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Nordmann’s Greenshank, Asian Dowitcher,
Little Curlew, Far Eastern Curlew, Great Knot,Red Knot, Bar-tailed Godwit,
Saunders’s Gull, Blackfaced Spoonbill, Reed Parrotbill and over 200
migratory shorebirds and woodland birds in the largest intertidal area of
China; A pelagic trip in Lian Yungang will bring you the special experience
to the offshore island. Wuyuan and Nanjing hills and mountains: Exotic bird
such as the rediscovered Blue-crowned Laughingthrush, endemic Masked
Laughingthrush, Hwamei, Grey-sided Scimitar Babbler, Short-tailed
Parrotbill, Dusky Fulvetta, Chinese Bamboo Partridge, and other woodland
birds including Pied Falconet, Red-billed Leiothrix, Red-billed Starling,
Red-billed Blue Magpie, Chestnut Bulbul, Grey-headed Parrotbill etc. Lead by
China Coastal Waterbird Census Team surveyors who have been working as
volunteers for over 10 years. Cost: US$ 3,000 Including all accommodation
and travel cost in China and guide fee. * 10% income will donate to China
Coastal Waterbird Census Team. * Contact for more
Day 1 Pick up at Pudong airport Rudong Chongming
Day 2 Birding Rudong Spoon-billed Sandpiper
Day 3 Birding Rudong Rudong-Dongtai mudflat
Day 4 Bus to Lian Yungang Lian Yungang Rudong-Dongtai mudflat
Day 5 Pelagic trip Lian Yungang Sea birds
Day 6 Birding Lian Yungang Coastal mudflat
Day 7 Birding Bus to Nanjing Nanjing Lianyungang landbirds
Day 8 Birding Bus to Huangshan Huangshan Purple Mountain
Day 9 Birding Wu Yuan Wuyuan
Day 10 Birding Wu Yuan Wuyuan
Day 11 Bus back to Shanghai
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob & Trish Sothman
Sent: Friday, 25 March 2016 10:21 AM
To: <>
Subject: Waders and China
Recent reports indicate that many of our waders are on the move north to
their breeding grounds near the Arctic Circle. Many will use the Yellow Sea
tidal mudflats to rest & recuperate on their long journeys. Both China since
1970, and Korea have been reclaiming many hundreds of square kms of the
Yellow Sea. The loss of these prime tidal mudflats is blamed for
contributing to the dramatic drop in wader numbers (refer eg to
lines-migratory-shorebirds). The reclamations continue. Accurate data is
limited. A number of Australian volunteers have been helping gather data in
China and they must be commended. Some dedicated Chinese are also involved.
I was recently fortunate to go with Zhang Lin and his colleague on a bird
survey along the coast just north of Shanghai. It is amazing to see the
amount of reclamation that has already occurred. Zhang Lin is doing a great
data-gathering job. He also is a great bird guide and I would recommend him
to anyone looking for a bird guide in the Shanghai area. He can be
contacted at <>
Cheers, Bob Sothman Adelaide
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