Hard to get excited about aviary escapees
From: Birding-Aus <> on behalf of James
Mustafa Jazz Orchestra <>
Sent: Monday, 29 February 2016 9:10 PM
Subject: Unidentified Imperial Pigeon in Perth
Hi all,
For those not on Facebook there has been a report by Louis Purdy of an
imperial pigeon in Thornlie, Perth. Follow up reports by Nick Brown, Mark
N, Glen Pacey, Alan Collins and Jordan Webber have located the bird again
in a tree on Culross Avenue. To quote Alan "on the opposite side of the
road to the primary school, beside the Leisure World swimming pool. The
closest tree to the intersection of Culross and Thornlie Ave."
There's some debate between the online/onsite birders of its exact
identification - debating between a variety of SE asian imperial pigeons.
I've attached the available photos but no doubt there's better quality to
Happy Twitching!
All the best,
*James Mustafa*
m. 0400 951 517
w. www.jamesmustafajazzorchestra.com
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