I totally agree. Thank you, Lloyd.
Sent from my iPad
> On 4 Feb 2016, at 12:52 pm, Kai Schraml <> wrote:
> What Lloyd said…spot on
> Kai Schraml
> +61 (04) 9999 1240 Cell
> +61 (02) 9985 1901 Home
>> On 4 Feb 2016, at 9:42 am, Lloyd Nielsen <>
>> wrote:
>> First let me say I have been feeding birds all my life. I see nothing wrong
>> with it as long as it is done responsibly.
>> Just a few points.
>> Creating a garden which will attract birds is the ultimate BUT how many
>> people have the ability, the inclination, the knowledge, the opportunity,
>> the time or a suitable block of land to do it? Very few I would think. As an
>> ex-nurseryman I would have loved to have done it but have never had the time
>> or the opportunity. There would be nothing better. In the district in which
>> I now live I know of only two gardens created to attract wildlife but I know
>> of many many people who have a feeder or water in their gardens just for the
>> birds. And as far as planting a garden of native plants for wildlife, that
>> is fine but it is only the dedicated (converted) who will do that. Most
>> people love that massive colour that exotics and some natives provide around
>> them - just watch the ABC TV Gardening Australia programme on a Saturday
>> night. When I was in the industry, we could sell 100 azaleas to about 10
>> grevilleas. (A considerable number of the azalea buyers will still have a
>> feeder or water in their garden though).
>> As far as disease goes, I have never seen a single example of a diseased
>> bird at or near any of the feeders I have used over the years. But then I
>> have always lived in the country and have fed birds responsibly. (I presume
>> it may probably be more of a problem in the cities).Surely some of these
>> diseases can be spread naturally. I have a Callistemon not far from my front
>> door which flowers profusely. It attracts probably 10 species of
>> honeyeaters, lorikeets, and others as well as beetles, butterflies and many
>> other insects by day. By night, fruit bats give it a thorough going over and
>> probably many other nocturnal life forms such as smaller mammals, moths and
>> so on. I should think it would be so easy to pass disease on when so many
>> creatures visit it.
>> Do people really feed cockatoos and other obnoxious species? They certainly
>> don't get a look in at my place.
>> There was a great story on our local ABC radio a week or so ago. An old
>> fellow had just retired and someone gave him a bird feeder. He knew nothing
>> about birds but was amazed at the birds it attracted. He bought himself a
>> field guide and now sits on his patio for a couple of hours each morning
>> watching and identifying the birds that come to the feeder. Best thing he
>> has ever done was his comment. And there are many more like him out there!
>> Isn't it better to advise him of the correct way to do it rather than say
>> "Sorry mate - you shouldn't feed birds", especially in this day an age when
>> our wildlife is still getting a walloping with habitat still being destroyed
>> at an alarming rate and giving way to urbanisation, agriuculture and so on?
>> Turning the general public away from feeding birds surely must be a backward
>> step. We need all the support from the general public that we can get from a
>> conservation point of view. We should be fostering their interest which in
>> turn will add some support, especially when fighting conservation battles.
>> Lloyd Nielsen
>> Mt Molloy, Nth Qld
>> www.birdingaustralia.com.au
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