Hi Folks:
First of all I have noticed some conversation that eludes to the value of
Birding Aus etc. I have said this before but it bears repeating. Here is
what Birding Aus means to me:
1. Was the avenue that allowed me to literally design my 6 month filming
adventure to Australlia in 2008/2009.
2. Kept me abreast of where I should travel to film parrots.
3. Provided me with opportunities to meet some fantastic Aussies that were
paramount to my film being created.
4. Continues to keep me abreast of whats happening bird sighting-wise in
Now because of all of that it has resulted in me being able to launch my
very own fledgling business. Avian Discovery tours.
This fall I will be leading trips in your gorgeous country. Thanks you
Russ and Team. I check in here all the time.
For any who might be interested in joining me or even just checking out
where I am going etc. Two spots have already been taken so I am optimistic
about the tours filling up. You can check out my newly updated website
here: http://www.aviandiscoverytours.com/.
A Heartfelt thanks to everyone on Birding-Aus
Don Kimball
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