Thank you all for your great tips!
We tried a few places, heard one, but did not see any... UNTIL going to
Berrima! Jellore street did not produce anything, but I decided to make a
dash to the bush at the end of Bryan street. The bird was a subadult male,
but still a Satin Bowerbird (no bowers, though), so I am very pleased! A
special thanks to Jason! Coincidentally, later on I saw another Satin
Bowerird on Ferndale Road, Bundanoon. Actually at first, the spot delivered
a Grey Currawong, but once I was looking at it, a young-ish Satin Bowerbird
flew into the same view. What luck!
Another recent sightings request: any Gang-gang Cockatoos or Glossy Blacks
in the Southern Highlands area for Thursday? Or on Friday between Moss Vale
and Capertee Valley (via Mount Tomah)? Our efforts today were in vain (e.g.
on Old Argyle Road, athough we did see some Yellow-tailed Blacks).
2015-09-09 11:17 GMT+10:00 Philip Veerman <>:
> The Satin Bowerbird is among the most common birds in my garden in
> southern Canberra (but that is a day trip up and back from where it seems
> that you are). That is typical of every year for the last about 15 to 20
> years from winter through to early spring. If I go outside or look out my
> window, it would rarely take more than one minute (maybe 5) to find them.
> About 20 here most days and for many years a bower in my neighbour's yard
> or another one somewhere near within my GBS area - that is 100 metres from
> home).
> Philip
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Birding-Aus On Behalf
> Of Harry Nyström
> Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2015 7:38 AM
> To: Birding-Aus
> Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Back from Finland to Australia, NSW: Sydney,
> Moss Vale, Parkes etc.
> Hi everyone.
> Just a quick update: with already maybe around 80 trip species, the
> wishlist has diminished impressively! Thank you all for the help I have
> been getting already.
> But one bogey we still have: Satin Bowerbird. If anyone knows an active and
> accessible bower within the Southern Highlands area, we would be very
> grateful. Our options are close to none at the moment.
> My best sightings (for now) include: Noisy Pitta, Green Catbird, Azure
> Kingfisher, Crested Shrike-tit, Topknot Pigeon (poor views in flight),
> Superb Lyrebird (poor views of a shy bird), Bassian Thrush, Australian King
> Parrot etc. At least 20 new species already. We dipped on Rockwarbler
> today, same with Tawny-crowned HE. And the best is still a Humpback Whale
> we saw from the top of Wottamalla (or something like that) waving its fins
> further away!
> Cheers,
> -Harry
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