Hello to all the good people of Birding-aus!
Good news (at least to me): I am returning to Australia (from Finland)
early Monday morning Sep 7th on a business trip with my colleague Markku!
Our work will this time be centered in Parkes. The last (also first) time I
was in Australia, was in 2012 (centered in Orange, NSW), we managed to see
over 150 species on the 3-4 free days we had (with a day in Sydney and
another on Wollongong pelagic). I received tons of help in 2012, and still
appreciate every bit of it! That is why I'm hoping for some info this time,
This time we are focusing on our dip list. Fortunately, we have the
privilege to go birding again with local birder Peter Madvig, which should
help a LOT!
*Mon 7th*: somewhere *North of Sydney* (e.g. Warriewood etc.)
*Tue 8th*: unfortunately Markku will fly to Parkes for work until Friday
night, but I, however, have the privilege to go birding the whole week from
Tuesday until Sunday! Tuesday will be spent in *Royal National Park*.
*Wed 9th - Fri 11th*: Birding somewhere *between Sydney - Moss Vale* area.
Peter has it all planned out.
*Sat 12th*: All of us will meet in *Capertee Valley* on Friday night and
try to find some of the better birds from there on Saturday (e.g.
Rockwarbler, Regent HE, Plum-headed Finch, Turquoise Parrot etc.)
*Sun 13th*: Me and Markku will return to Parkes and head for *Forbes Gum
Swamp or Back Yamma SF* for the day.
Mon-Fri: Work.
*Sat 19th - Sun 20th*:* Lake Cargelligo - Round Hill* area for some
intriguing inland species!
Mon-Fri: Work
*Sat 26th*: *Wollongong/Kiama pelagic*
Sun 27th: Most likely departure to Finland for me and Markku will continue
to Parkes for another week and depart next Saturday. I might be needed to
stay another week, but it depends how the work goes.
*So, if you have any tips or fresh sightings for some species along our
route, they are highly appreciated!* Our focus will also be in getting nice
photos of all possible birds. I trust Peter knows where to find the regular
and common ones, so focus should be on the more coincidental species. Below
you will one version of find my bird wish list with few mammals on top (of
course there are lots of other missing birds, but these are maybe the most
wanted, although some might even be impossible):
-Koala (if wild ones are nearly impossible, I can submit to captive ones)
-Australian Brushturkey(!)
-King Quail
-Little Penguin(!)
-Pacific Baza
-Wonga Pigeon
-Wompoo Fruit Dove
-Topknot Pigeon
-Pheasant Coucal
-Pacific Koel(!)
-Channel-billed Cuckoo
-Australian Owlet-nightjar (nightjars and owls, too!)
-Gang-gang Cockatoo(!)
-Glossy Black Cockatoo
-Turquoise Parrot
-Eastern Ground Parrot
-Australian King Parrot(!)
-Superb Lyrebird(!)
-Noisy Pitta (are there any recent sightings?)
-Regent Bowerbird
-Satin Bowerbird(!)
-Variegated Fairy-wren
-Splendid Fairy-wren(!)
-White-winged Fairy-wren(!)
(-Red-backed F-w?)
-Southern Emu-wren
-Scarlet HE
-Crescent HE
-Crimson Chat
-Orange Chat
-Regent HE
-Yellow-tufted HE
-Eastern Whipbird
-Spotted Quail-thrush
-Crested Shrike-tit(!)
-Gilbert's Whistler
-Australian Golden Whistler(!)
-Spangled Drongo(!)
-Flycatchers (not Restless)
-Robins (Rose/Flame/Scarlet)(!)
-Grey Currawong
etc. etc.
I can provide my separate IOC ticklist (wishlist species are highlighted),
if needed, for people who ask it privately.
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