
Correllas are back

To: <>
Subject: Correllas are back
From: "Kerry Firkin" <>
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2015 11:26:41 +1000
Kerry  from Corlette Port Stephens reporting  again
What  a week we just have had with the storms  lots of trees  down I really 
feel for the birds
I am  glad to see the Correllas back again counted  about fifty or  more  they 
don't keep still enough to count
I hope to go walking along the tracks soon as they  back open again
Plenty of bush pigeons, Lorikeets two Pink and Greys and  a coupl  of  Pied 
Butcher Birds and  of  course Magpies they  cheaky  they  knock on the door  
for a feed
Lorikeets are  still coming down eating  mince  meat they even  are taking out 
of the  magpies and  the Kookaburra's beaks cheaky things
Regards Kerry  Firkin
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