Hi Joan,
I have seen them at locations on the Northern Beaches wherever there are
casuarina trees - Chiltern Trail; Warriewood Wetland; around Narrabeen Lake.
They feed (loudly) on the nuts. All my sightings have been in the period
August - November.
The most reliable has been West Head, in particular the track leading north
to a view of the Hawkesbury River.
Carl Weber
-----Original Message-----
From: Birding-Aus On Behalf Of
Joan Rosenthal
Sent: Wednesday, 8 April 2015 9:39 AM
Subject: Glossy Black-Cockatoos
There has been recent mention of Glossy Blacks at Berowra Valley Park,
Sydney. This is a frustrating Sydney area species that I've been unable to
set eyes upon in my years of birding, and I would be grateful if anyone can
give me hints of likely places to look in April/May.
Joan Rosenthal
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