As I’ve mentioned before, birding can be made up of a continuous collection of
magic moments. On April Fool’s Day [1 April] it was the Peregrine Falcon at
telegraph pole height; indeed, it was a day on which we encountered five
different raptor species.
Yesterday was another magic moment.
As often is our wont, at day’s end we settled down on the verandah with a glass
of shiraz to absorb and admire the approaching twilight. The seeds and
lorikeet mx had been scattered; the regulars, the Galahs, Crested Pigeons,
Bar-shouldered Doves, Magpie-larks, Noisy Miners and the male Common
Bronzewing, had gathered at Café Avian to enjoy a last minute food bonanza.
It was Fay who first spotted the Red-winged Parrot. It came from seemingly out
of nowhere although of course it had probably watched proceedings closely from
the nearby Angophora. As cautious as it is silent, the male flew cross to the
Grey Gum in the Middle Compound. It was accompanied by a female Australian
King-Parrot. It remained in situ for several minutes before it ventured down
to the ground where it fed on the proffered lorikeet mix.
All else stopped. We inhaled; wine glasses were lowered gently to the table,
long-lens camera lifted, ready for the opportunity to fire. All idle chatter
ceased; all chatter stopped as we concentrated on the magnificent red wing of
the male Red-winged Parrot.
Then the female was there, a little further away from the house but clearly
making her way towards Café Avian.
These are uncommon visitors to Allen Road, to be savoured whenever they grace
our property with their unexpected presence.
They stayed long enough for me to get in a few shots, albeit in rapidly fading
light. The alarm call of the nearby Noisy Miner startled the parrots and they
were gone.
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