Birdline South Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 25 Jan 2015.
Sun 25 Jan Wood, Marsh Sandpipers Balaklava
2 Wood Sandpipers and 1 Marsh Sandpiper at former Balaklava effluent
ponds. Normally dry, this area now has some water after nearly 80 mm.
of rain. Unfortunately, all Balaklava's effluent water is now diverted
to the local racecourse. This has been to the detriment of ducks, some
waders and many other water birds with the loss of permanent water
habitat. Over the last few years, I have recorded over 80 bird species
in, around and over the effluent ponds.
Paul Taylor
Mon 19 Jan Australian Reed-Warbler Balaklava
An unusual sighting of a single Reed-Warbler in our front garden in
Balaklava for 3 days, well away from water and reed beds. It has been
actively catching insects, including grasshoppers, in shrubs. The only
call was an occasional single "chet", repeated at intervals, but it it
often quiet. Probably migrating north after breeding.
Paul Taylor
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