Birdline Western Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 14 Dec 2014.
Mon 8 Dec Red-throated Pipit Lake Eda (Roebuck Plains Station)
The pipit had a creamy-white throat and malar stripe and was heavily
streaked from the chest down to the belly and with some streaking down
the flanks. Dark on the back and lack of primary projection. Access
permission for the site is required.
Maarten Hulzebosch, Amanda Lilleyman, Arthur Keates, Peter Crighton
Sun 30 Nov Blue-winged Kookaburra Paraburdoo; Treed ephemeral creek
near Kurra Kalli
I heard but couldn't see a Blue-winged Kookaburra while trying to get a
photo of Grey Crowned Babblers; it was high up in the nearby trees; I
would think this location is somewhere on the outer edge of its range
and I did not expect it, tho in the preceding days there were strong
winds and some rain. Blown inland by the weather??
S. Plunkett
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