Hi all
I am organising a three-week trip to Panama during the Australian
winter next year and am asking for expressions of interest.
I've not yet set firm dates but the trip will cover the major birding
regions of the country including the western highlands, central Panama
and the spectacular Darien wilderness in southern Panama. We have a
good chance of seeing difficult and much sought after specialties such
as Black-crowned Antpitta, Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoo, Sapayoa and
I am presently in the process of nutting out an itinerary and costs
with Panamanian birding operatives. With similar trips in the past, I
have been able to keep costs well below those of the big guiding
companies such as Wings and Birdquest.
Please let me know if you may be interested. We are looking at a
group of 7-9 people.
Greg Roberts
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