Birdline Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 12 Oct 2014.
Tue 7 Oct Red-kneed Dotterel Shag Lagoon, King Island
Single bird seen on the back edge of the lagoon on both 7th and 8th
October. Distance precluded all but a confirm ID photo. Also a single
Pink-eared Duck and the amazing site of 10 Latham's Snipe feeding in
the shallows.
Rob and James Hamilton
Sat 4 Oct Broad-billed Sandpiper Cocos Keeling Islands , South Island
One Broad-billed Sandpiper with a small group of waders.
Geof Christie
Saunders Tern Cocos Keeling Islands,SouthIsland sand flats.
There are now 7 Saunders Terns roosting on the same sand bar as
previous years. More should arrive and stay until March. There is now
10 differant species of migrating waders on Cocos.
Geof Christie
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